Wednesday, June 16, 2010

" I can feel the rain."

My husband surprised me with Dave Matthews tickets on Valentine's Day.  I had about four months of waiting but the concert finally came.  The weather was beautiful...until Dave came out.  Then, it poured (did I mention we had lawn seats?).  Not just for a few minutes, but almost consistently for three hours.  The winds kicked up to 60 mph and there was a beautiful lights display in the sky.  But, despite that, the concert was great. Dave played an excellent show with most songs seeming to have something to do with "rain".  It was a great time, minus being freezing and wet. Here is a picture of Isaac and I (before we looked like we went swimming in our clothes).

Tennis Anyone?

Tennis has always been my favorite hobby and it is shared by most everyone in my family. When I got married I decided to share the hobby with my hubby :) Being a natural athlete, he picked up on it rather quickly. Here is a picture of us before a morning date on the courts.

Trying to be like Dorothy

For those of you reading my blog that don't know my grandma, well you are missing out.  You are not only missing out on knowing such a lovely woman but you are being deprived of some of the most wonderful taste treats.  She is known for her delicious cookies, cinnamon rolls, chicken and noodles and her BREAD.   

Not too long ago, I decided to try my hand at my grandmas bread. I called her for the recipe, and not to my surprise, she didn't really have one.  She said, " A little of this, a little of that." So, going by her "recipe", I attempted the great feat.  It turned out to be quite delectable, but it still was not as good as hers.  One of these days I will get it right.  Here is a pictures of the loaf I made.